Creative Writing: 5 benefits and why you should start doing it.

creative writing old fashion type writer

Creative writing. What is it and why should you do it? It is exactly what it says. Creative writing is fictional writing which the writer uses their imagination to convey meaning through the use of imagery, narrative, and drama. It is often seen though poetry, fictional novels or short stories, screenplays and scripts. So the real question, why should you do it? Creative writing not only has academic benefits, but personal too- that’s why everyone can benefit, it doesn’t matter if you are in school or are studying something english related!


No Limits

One of the best parts of creative writing is there are no limits. You can write whatever, whenever and wherever. Complete freedom. Life can be quite chaotic at times and sometimes it can feel like you are loosing control. Creative writing gives you the ability to take the reigns and completely take control and chose the narrative of your story. Escape from reality for a while- something we all need every once in a while.


Communication is key

Communication is so important in everyday life, creative writing can surprisingly help strengthen your communication skills which help you in multiple aspects of life.

 Writing your thoughts down- whether that’s through poetry, a story or anything in between, can have a powerful effect. Expressing your thoughts plays an important role for your mental wellbeing, it can take a weight off your shoulders you may not even know you had, read more about the importance here

Alongside this, expressing your thoughts can help to build and strengthen relationships with everyone in your life, whether that is a friend, partner or colleague. It can open the door to new conversations, allows you to connect and relate with others and really grows a deeper connection between you and others. 


Think outside of the box

How many times have you heard you need to think outside of the box? This can be easily said than done, especially when you’ve only ever been inside the box. 

Creative writing forces you to be imaginative, you’re creating new characters, scenarios and whole new worlds. When your consistently imagining all of these things and stimulating your creative brain, you’ll be surprised how much this will be reflected in normal life. You will find it easier to think of new ideas, ways to solve problems and most of all- how to think outside of the dreaded box. 


Creative writing improves grammar and vocabulary

Grammar is often improved within creative writing. You will start to learn the different grammar rules and after practice, you will soon see your skills and knowledge growing. Alongside this you will see your vocabulary expanding the more you practice creative writing.  


A different perspective

As you develop characters and story lines you begin to think about things from a different perspective. You will begin to be in touch with others feelings which is a valuable skill to have. This again helps with your communication skills as well as rounds you into an empathetic and compassionate human being



In conclusion, there are many valuable benefits which creative writing has which can be used in many aspects of life. It can be a hobby enjoyed and practised by all ages and abilities. If its not something you’ve tried yet then you definitely should. 
It may feel a little weird or unnatural at first- especially if you’ve not done it in a while or even at all, but its worth it! If you are struggling to get started here are some great prompts.

 If you missed last weeks blog post on ‘How to prepare for an exam 101: the best advise to get you through exams’ then make sure to check it out.

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