How to prepare for an exam 101: the best advice to get you through exams.

exam paper on table- how to prepare for an exam

Exam season can be a stressful time for everyone. We are going to share with you how to prepare for an exam as best you can. Although there is no way to completely avoid the inevitable exam day nerves, you can make the stress and workload as manageable as possible and make the most out of your limited time.

Make a revision schedule 

First things first, make a revision schedule. Doing this allows you to divide up your workload into manageable amounts as well as ensures that you cover everything necessary within your timeframe. Being organised is key in order to prepare for an exam. Knowing what you have to do and when you have to do it takes away the worry of not getting everything done in time. Remember not to overwork yourself- make sure you have breaks and time off too as this is just as important! You can make your own timetables or you can find different templates here.


Find what revision method works for you

A common mistake a lot of students make is not knowing what revision method works the best for them. To prepare for an exam, you really need to understand how you as an individual revise the best. It’s very easy to get caught up in what your friends or classmates do and makes you feel like you need to do the same, but what works for them might not work for you. There is said to be 4 different types of learners, these 4 different types learn best in different ways. They are as follows: visual, auditory, reading/writing and kinaesthetic. When there is limited time on the run up to exams it is vital you are using your time efficiently, knowing what methods of study do and don’t work for you is important. For example, re-writing or copying information may be an effective way to learn for some people, however you might find this information doesn’t go in to your head but listening to it does, if this is the case then podcasts or audiobooks may be for you. You can take this quiz to find out your learning style!

the four types of learners- visual, auditory, kinaesthetic and reading/writing


Past papers

Past papers are a great way to prepare for an exam and can easily be found online. Familiarising yourself with the  layout, structure and content of the exam can help to improve and perfect your exam technique. Comparing your answers to those in the marking scheme allows you to identify your strengths and weaknesses and learn what the examiner is looking for. 

The night before

Its natural to feel like you need do 101 things the night before the exam but just keep it simple. Get your last minute revision in, however by this point your study time should be for going over information you already know- not teaching yourself new information. As soon as you feel like your brain is full and you can’t remember anything else, stop.  Make sure you have everything you need for the next day like a pen or pencil, ruler, calculator etc so you aren’t trying to rush the next morning. Make sure you get a good night sleep, for your brain and body to function optimally it needs a sufficient amount of rest, make sure you get it! 

The day of the exam

Food is fuel! Even though your stomach might feel uneasy, make sure you have a good meal before- do not underestimate the power of this. Certain foods can also have cognitive benefits to help you in your exam, examples and meal ideas can be found here. If you feel like you need to, have one last look over your notes, this can help your short-term memory and recall in the exam but again- don’t use this time to learn new information and don’t drive yourself crazy, take it easy. Make sure to leave yourself more than enough time in the morning, take things slow and don’t rush around. Lastly, remember all the hard work you’ve put in and trust yourself it’s enough.


In conclusion, exams are a terrifying but exciting time. Although you can never be 100% prepared there are definitely ways to minimise the stress and take some weight off your shoulders. Always remember that all you can do is your best and that is the most important thing. If you’re feeing anxious about exams, we have a great blog post about how to combat this.
Good luck everybody!

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